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Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Harvey's Fashion FAiL of the Week!

People its only tuesday and ive already found my weekly FAiL!

Now im all for being different, an individual, the Youth trying to look good or trying to go for that 'older look', ect.
But there is a limit... *Drum Roll....*

"Some one needs to cool off this Hot Mess!"

I'm all for the 'Smiths', but how can u let your child on a red carpet, looking like some Rihanna rude boy deleted scene! KMT

Willow Smith(9 years old) attending the premiere of the remade film 'Karate Kid', which stars her older brother Jaden Smith.
What happen to 9 year olds in a simple mickey mouse T?
the 'Celeb' lifestyle is a powerful thing and should come with a age rating if this is the outcome!

So congratulations Miss Willow Smith.....YOU FAIL!

1 comment:

  1. LOOOOL! Oh my gosh, and i remember the other one you posted of her wearing the pink trouser/converse fings, the pooor child, how could her parents allow her to do this!
